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Monopropyleenglycol (MPG)

Liquid Mono Propylene Glycol. For the formation of glucose during the negative energy balance.

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Monopropyleenglycol (MPG)

Monopropylene glycol and glycerine can be supplied by Speerstra as a regular liquid product. The product can be administered to dairy cows either orally or via a PropyDos system or feed mixer. Monopropylene glycol and glycerine are building blocks for the formation of glucose in the animal. Glucose production is especially important in dairy cattle in a negative energy balance around calving.


  • Energiebron voor snelle vorming van glucose
  • Extra energie in basisrantsoen
  • Energiebron voor in lactatiestartvoeder
  • Product ter voorkoming en oplossen van problemen met ketose of slepende melkziekte

Suitable for:

  • Cattle, Pigs

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