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SynGenX are fermented and dried lactic acid bacteria intended for piglets.

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Stimulates the growth and activity of bacteria in the intestines, including the bacteria that produce butyrate.

SynGenX is an all natural fermentation-based feed material, used in piglet diets to promote gut health and productivity. SynGenX is an anaerobic fermented and dried lactic acid of the Lactobacillus acidophilus strain. SynGenX is not a single compound, but contains all the microbial metabolites, and any remaining nutrient after the anaerobic fermentation. These numerous beneficial nutritional metabolites are designed to support piglet health and performance. The unique patented fermentation process is specially developed for application in animal feed. This process results in a stable product which is not affected by extreme temperatures, pH or processing. Therefore, SynGenX can be easily processed in piglet feed. No special storage requirements are needed.

Research has shown that SynGenX supports overall health, feed intake, digestion and weight gain of piglets. SynGenX results into piglets which are more capable of reaching their genetic potential.

SynGenX promotes the digestion and stimulates the growth and activity of the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This includes the butyrate producing bacteria, which result indirectly in a higher butyrate production in the gut. The produced butyrate has an essential immune function in the gut, and is the most important energy source for the intestinal cells. Butyrate has also an anti-inflammatory effect in the gut. Hereby, butyrate contributes to a lower pathogenic bacterial growth in the gut, mainly bacteria such as Salmonella.


  • Zorgt voor een betere darmgezondheid bij biggen
  • Zorgt voor een betere weerstand o.a. tegen Salmonella
  • Stimuleert de groei
  • Zorgt voor een optimale benutting van de genetische groeipotentie

Suitable for:

  • Pigs

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