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BergaFat F100

For higher milk fat.

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BergaFat F100

100% vegetable fat produced from palm oil. BergaFat F100 consists predominantly of saturated C16 fatty acids (palmitic acid). For higher milk fat.

Bergafat F100 is a 100% vegetable fat produced from palm oil, consisting mainly of saturated C16 fatty acids (palmitic acid). These fats are easily digested and are converted directly to milk fat. The product is rumen-protected and palatable because it hasn’t been subjected to any chemical treatment.


  • Zorgt voor een hogere melkproductie en vetgehalte
  • Verhelpt energietekort in het rantsoen
  • Zorgt voor extra vet en energie in het mengvoer

Suitable for:

  • Rundvee, Schapen, Geiten

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