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Phytomax Calf

Phytomax Calf is an innovative product specifically developed for calves. It combines essential oils, plant extracts, and whole plant parts to stabilize feed intake, improve feed conversion, and promote gut health in young animals. This product supports healthy digestion, which is essential for proper growth and development in calves.

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Phytomax Calf

Phytomax Calf focuses on the cecum and colon of calves. The carefully selected herbs and spices are chosen to enhance digestion and improve feed palatability. Scientific research from the universities of Munich and Tübingen has shown that AuxInt®, an extract in Phytomax, is particularly effective in supporting gut health, especially in young calves that may be susceptible to inflammatory gut diseases, such as colitis.


  • Improved feed intake and feed conversion
  • Supports gut health
  • Natural ingredients

Suitable for:

  • Calves

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