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Diamond V

Product of fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Improves digestion and increases feed efficiency.

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Diamond V

Diamond V is a product of the fermentation of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Specifically developed for use in animal nutrition. It consists of the yeast itself, the nutrient medium on which the yeasts are grown, and the metabolites produced by the yeasts. Examples of metabolites are vitamins, iso acids, enzymes, minerals and amino acids. The metabolites stimulate the growth of certain types of rumen bacteria. Our yeast culture works more effectively than live yeasts. Live yeast doesn‘t withstand conditions in the rumen, and the shelf life of live yeast in mineral mixtures and pelleted mixed feed is also a problem.

Diamond V XP is suitable for direct use by a farmer; the XPC variant is particularly suitable for mixed fixed and premix manufacturers.


  • Versterking van de gezondheid en weerstand, lager antibioticumgebruik
  • Een hogere voerefficiëntie en lagere voerkosten
  • Gezonder vee, beter dierenwelzijn en lagere dierenartskosten
  • Beperking van leververvetting bij ruime rantsoenen
  • Verlaging van de kans op slepende melkziekte

Suitable for:

  • Cattle

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