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To improve protein synthesis and dry matter utilization.

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Slow release non protein nitrogen in the rumen. To improve protein synthesis and dry matter utilization.

NitroShure is a product for cattle that ensures the gradual availability of urea in the rumen. The urea is coated with multiple layers of fat using a patented technique. The slow release of urea in the rumen optimizes the protein-energy ratio in the rumen, leading to more microbial protein in the rumen.

When NitroShure is applied correctly, a farmer can save on degradable protein components in the ration. In addition to immediate savings, it is also beneficial to the company-specific excretion (in the Netherlands known as BEX). With the purchase of NitroShure there is no phosphate supplied.


  • Bevordert de penswerking
  • Zorgt voor een betere voer- en eiwitbenutting

Suitable for:

  • Cattle, Goats, Sheep

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